Delight in the Garden of Pomegranates


What’s in a pomegranate that its charms are often considered poetic? These fruits have been featured in paintings and poems, rather often in an aphrodisiac light. The juicy, reddish texture and the delicious taste make it an ideal choice when you need something really refreshing! Growing a pomegranate tree is not an impossible task, and you can also have one in the backyard garden if there is sufficient space available.

It’s a Fantastic Tree to Say the Least


These can grow to considerable lengths for a garden-tree variety and can be rather bushy. The shrub may need occasional pruning just to ensure that the tree has the resources to invest in birthing the fruits! These are not suitable for growing in a fruiting container, as they utilize a lot of resources from the soil. Although these are not traditional decorative plants, an experienced grower may still prefer them for decorative purposes such as attractive foliage and flowers.

An experienced grower can also reshape the tree into a bonsai. These trees are native to India and Persia, but these days, they are grown everywhere, even in the Americas. Several variants of the tree are available, and different colors of pomegranates create a healthy spectacle in the garden. However, not all varieties are edible because of the sour taste. So, before you plant one in the garden, be sure to decide whether you want edible fruits or merely for decorative purposes.

Know Your Pomegranate

How do you even know whether the pomegranate is edible? Growers typically test this by tapping the outer surface of the fruit. If the tap gives out a metallic sound, this means that the fruit is ready for the harvest. The entire ‘fruit’ is actually a berry. It consists of sweet grains inside, consisting of juicy grains, and seeds, which are also edible.

The grains are separated inside the berry within locules, separated by a papery layer called a rag. The grains must be separated from the rag and consumed for a delicious taste. These can also be made into healthy juices. Growing pomegranate tree can be a good choice if you have the time and energy! You need to research the soil types and other factors imperative for a healthy harvest. Make sure that the planting site has enough sunshine for at least six hours a day.