What Can Affect the Quality of Your Indoor Air?


Indoor air quality can be just as important to your health and well-being. The particles in indoor environments are smaller than those outside, so they’re much more likely to cause illness or disease if you breathe them for an extended period of time. 

Thankfully, there’s a number of ways available to keep the quality of the indoor air pure. In a world where you want your home scent to be amazing, it is also crucial that you ensure the quality of your indoor air is impeccable.

Factors That Can Affect the Quality of Air Indoors

Do you have a problem with the air quality in your home? Unfortunately, it is not uncommon because there is no shortage of crucial factors that can affect the quality of your air indoors. Some of the most common factors that can affect air quality indoors include: 

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

What are volatile organic compounds and why should you be concerned about them? Some examples of VOCs in the home include cleaning products, paints or glues. When at room temperature they can become airborne which means that one day you may wake up with an unwanted headache as a result from this type hazardous gas exposure.


Allergies are a very common and often-cited source for allergies. Though dust can be an allergen, pet dander may also cause reactions in some people who have them–and other natural substances such as pollen or ragweed could do the same. 

A HEPA filter will help reduce levels of indoor allergens by trapping small particles before they enter your home’s air circulation system where they’ll end up bothering you much more than necessary.

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a gas that can kill you if it’s not detected. It has no odor and doesn’t give off any color, so people don’t usually notice the presence of this dangerous substance in their home or workplace environments. 

You may be generating carbon monoxide unintentionally when using fuel-burning appliances like your heating unit during cold months since these devices produce more than just heat—they also emit fumes from burning fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal.

Poor Ventilation

Indoor air quality has a lot of potential for improvement. If you lack fresh, clean ventilation then your home’s internal environment will not only lead to possible health issues but it can also worsen certain conditions like asthma or allergies in some people who are more sensitive than others.

Radon Gas

Radon gas is formed by the natural breakdown of uranium deep within Earth’s crust. The molecule enters homes through cracks in foundation and can be detected as an odorless or mild-odor, colorless form that builds up to dangerous levels when left unchecked for too long.

Lead Paint

Lead paint is a problem in older homes. Lead dust can lead to lifelong health issues, so it’s important for you and your family members not only to be aware of the risks associated with this dangerous toxin but also protect yourself from them by taking precautions.

For starters, you can wear gloves when handling any surfaces that might retain residual amounts or moving away immediately if you come across some suspicious looking debris inside your home.

Outdoor Sources

The quality of air indoors can be impacted by outdoor sources. Experts have identified three main contributors, including traffic on roads and pesticides in the environment outside your house as well as pollution from industrial emissions or power plants (which may not even emit anything!).