When Best To Roof Your Home


Winter is considered the driest season of the year, making it suitable for some works, such as the roof’s renovation or construction of new roof.

As the rains are not so frequent in this period, the roofs’ reforms end up becoming faster and smoother. The dry climate can also prevent possible accidents that could be caused if the tiles were slippery because of the humidity. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to the weather forecast because if there is a rain forecast, it is best to postpone the work until the weather stabilizes.

Another factor that contributes in favor of this work is the lower temperature of the season. The climate is highly favorable for professionals who will not need to spend long hours working under the scorching sun to roof your home or repair missing shingles.

However, the concern with the amount of rain is not restricted to the period of the reform. It is necessary to pay attention to the roof’s inclination, as this is what prevents it from accumulating water and prevents possible infiltrations between the tiles. It is also essential to complete the renovation to avoid other problems and eventualities when the rainy season arrives.

Tips For Conserving The Roof

Even without natural phenomena, the lack of maintenance can damage the tiles and shorten their useful life. Therefore, you need to follow a few steps:

  • Choose quality products that have high strength
  • Hire qualified professionals who follow exactly the step by step mentioned in the tile installation manual
  • Apply products to waterproof the roof
  • Clean the gutters regularly to avoid clogging

Types Of Tiles

In addition to the slope, there are other factors that you must take into account before beginning the renovation. For example, the aesthetics of the house, the thermal comfort, and the tile’s resistance.

Ceramic Roof Tile

The ceramic tiles are widely used – and also one of the oldest. They provide excellent thermal protection, keeping the interior of the environment cooler than the exterior. Because it is made with heavier material, this tile requires a greater slope and a more resistant structure with denser woodwork.


Cement And Asbestos Tile

The cement fiber tiles or asbestos are well known for a low cost – they are the cheapest you can find – however, they do not provide a beautiful aesthetic and show great resistance against natural phenomena.

Concrete Roof Tile

The concrete tiles have excellent thermal comfort and have a huge variety of colors and shapes. They are waterproof, unlike ceramic tiles that normally absorb a little water.

Metal Material Tile

They are steel tiles protected by a galvanizing process. They are widely used in places that do not need good thermal protection, such as warehouses and factories.

This is because they accumulate heat and warm up the environment’s interior, so the place must be well ventilated. They have a low cost; however, they make a lot of noise when it rains.

Vegetable Fiber Tile

These tiles are made from layers of vegetable fibers that are waterproofed and protected by resin. They are environmentally friendly, have a very light material, and have an average cost, cheaper than ceramic tiles and more expensive than cement and asbestos. Its colors are obtained through pigmentation and are very easy to install, allowing you to install over other tiles without changing. After choosing the tile that will best suit your needs, you need to know what care you will have to conserve.